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Welcome to my Blog!

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

My first blog post ever!! I decided to start a blog to share with you my latest dive adventures. I recently decided to move to Mexico wich is a new chapter of sorts for me. The reason for the move has everything to do with cave diving. I have been an passionate cave diver for a while but have now decided to persue my dream of becoming a cave diving instructor and thereby sharing my passion with others.

Why Mexico you might ask? Cave diving can be done many places in the world. There is some very good cave diving closer to home actually. But what makes Mexico uniquely qualified, is the amount of students that train caving diving here, and theirby the expertise in teaching is enormous as well. There are many different teaching styles and there is something to learn from all of them.

Besides that, the diving conditions are good all year round, so there is no such thing as a diving season wich is the case in some other cave diving area's.

The process of becoming a cave diving instructor, and a good one, is a lenghty one. This blog is a collection of stories of the path to that goal and all the diving adventures that come with the lifestyle.

The stories won't be from Mexico only, but will be from this time onwards (the older ones we can share in person over a beer 😉)

If you have a questions leave me a comment, and don't forget to subscribe!

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